Do you hate Google for their updates?   ranking in Google

What if there are easy and lazy ways to rank on Google top 10, even when you’re not trying or using any trick. Keep reading…

I’ve come to realize that Google updates are constantly opening doors for content marketers.

I want you to take your mind off the failures of the past and look at the opportunities available to you today.

When I did, I discovered that you can actually rank on Google without struggling. This is no hype mind you.

When I say lazy, I’m not saying you’ll fold your arms and get ranked; rather you’ll tap into systems and channels that are already built.

The secret of ranking

The so-called SEOs can’t tell you the secrets of ranking your content pages in Google because a lot of them don’t even know it.

They’re selling fad to their clients. But I’ll tell you the direction Google is going in the new ranking system.

The secret of ranking in Google top 10 is to produce great content without you trying to rank that content page.

The truth is, everybody wants to be successful in life and Google is concerned about your contribution to making people’s (searches) life better.

Do you want people to find what they’re searching for in Google? If that’s your mindset, then you’ll not struggle to rank your pages.

Without much ado, here are 6 lazy ways to get the rankings you need:


1.   Get the content recipes

If you’ve the right recipes and follow the steps in the kitchen, you’ll come out with a delicious meal. The same thing goes with content.

In case you didn’t know, Google is desperately looking for great content that has the correct recipes in place.

I’m talking about content that is well-researched, valuable and interesting.

When I read a lot of content online, I see that most bloggers are not putting energy into it. Don’t just rush it. Put all the recipes together.

When you’re writing a post, get all the data and images ready. Address every question pertaining to that topic and give practicable steps.


2.   Find what you love to do

One hot reason why you’re struggling to rank close to Google top 10 is because you don’t love your work.

When Brian Tracy was asked what the greatest secret of success is, he replied, “Find what you love to do and pour all your energy into it.”

You see, the way to rank your content page on Google is to have passion for what you do. Because it’ll be revealed in your content.

I love content marketing a lot and you can literally feel the juice in this post. Be sincere, is this post helpful to you?

For instance, if I’m a Certified Public Accountant and I love to help people understand their accounting needs and solve their accounting problems, I’ll do better when I start a blog in that field than trying to follow the crowd and start a money making blog.

Therefore, to easily rank in Google without trying to rank, make sure you’re in love with your blog and the content you create.


3.   Flexibility

Don’t become comfortable with what you’re doing. You’ve to be able to adapt to changes in your niche especially to new updates and trends.

In the past, targeting a particular long tail keyword can help you rank higher in Google, but today it’s a lot different.

To rank your content pages this season, don’t totally ignore keyword research, but let your focus be on the intent of the searcher.

The main reason why someone is searching for a particular keyword isn’t just because they want to get results and visit top ranking sites, but instead they want to find solutions to what they need.

They’ve a problem and they came to ask Google to help them extract the right answers. Are you ready to serve your target audience with your content?


4.   Leverage what others have done

Did you know that a lot of bloggers and internet marketers have worked so hard to build their blogs to the level where it’s so easy to rank in Google top 10?

Most of these blogs can rank a new post in 12 hours or less. The indexing is faster and spontaneous.

If you want to rank your content page on Google and your blog is fairly new, then you should submit that content to a blog that has better positions in Google.

Here’s an example: when I search for “content marketing strategy” on Google, here are the top 10 results:

google top 10 result

Did you know that if I can write a valuable post targeting that keyword, having the right recipes and get it published on any of the content marketing blogs above, I’ll rank easily? It’s not a guarantee but my chances are high.

I couldn’t have achieved this top 10 rankings; maybe because my blog has no strong SEO juice, but using this lazy way of leveraging the time and hard work of others – it’s a piece of cake.


5.   Get faster indexing on hot topics

This lazy way to dominate Google is powerful and I’ve been using it for some time now.

Here’s how it works: you have to be current with changes in your niche. If your niche is email marketing, you’ve to know what’s happening around and what experts are talking about including research studies.

If your niche is SEO or related, then Google’s updates have to be in your list. As much as possible, you’ve to be among the first people to know about the latest update.

For instance, when Google released their Exact Match Domain updates, I got the alert on my inbox from Google Alerts.

I quickly researched the topic, extracted some helpful data and wrote a detailed post. After publishing the post, see how I indexed it within 2 hours:

  1. I syndicated the content URL to
  2. I submitted it to
  3. I submitted the URL as a story to
  4. I visited, submitted my blog feed and content page
  5. Finally, I went to and left a comment on their recent post.

Within 2 hours, my content was indexed. Google spider picked it up before I knew it. And at the time, if you search for “exact match domain updates” or “emd updates”, my post occupied #1 and after 3 days I dropped to #3. I’m still getting a lot of pageviews on that post alone.

Why does it work so well?

It works because when there is a new development, people will be searching to know more about it in Google. Also, Google will be looking to index and present the right result pages that are related to the searches.

Since the authority blogs haven’t updated or written a post on the new updates, you’ve Google’s top 10 to dominate. It doesn’t matter whether your blog is 2-month old or aged.


6.   Write tutorials, avoid generic

It’s easy to write generic articles and posts. That’s why a lot of blogs out there have piles of content that never ranks. How pathetic?

You can set yourself apart from the crowd by giving adequate time to writing tutorials in your field. Yes, it’s a lot harder to get all screenshots, and highlight the various steps needed to achieve a particular goal.

But trust me; most of the tutorials I’ve written recently in non internet-related niches have taken up positions in Google’s homepage.


Why tutorial posts works so well

The major reason why tutorials will easily rank is because your readers and beginners would share it. They’ll tweet, syndicate, cite and even tell their friends about your post through word of mouth.

Remember what I said earlier – that you’ve to aid in other people’s success with your content. Let people value the time and energy you’ve used up in producing the content.

In the same vein, you can take up a generic topic and write a tutorial on it. For instance, affiliate marketing is popular but also too generic for anyone to listen or read the post.

But you can draw attention to it by writing a tutorial showing people how to pick the right and easy-to-dominate niches. Use screenshots.

Write a step-by-step guide and you’ll be amazed at the level of engagement and social signals the post would garner. That’s how to rank on Google without trying to rank. Don’t forget to add share buttons to your tutorial posts.

Make the share buttons visible and always remember that less is more. In other words, don’t have more than twitter, facebook and Google+ buttons.


Is it too hard to rank?

Let nobody deceive you, content marketing is a lot easier than you think.

Bloggers and marketers have been the ones making it difficult by trying to take advantage of Google’s loophole instead of identifying what their audience needs and proffering solutions to it.

Of course, I’m not promising overnight rankings on Google because it’s not realistic in any way, but if you stay focused and follow the tips above you’ll definitely see significant improvements.

You can rank by your actions

There you’ve it, the 6 lazy ways to improve your rankings in Google without trying to rank. The title itself reads ‘lazy’ but I want you to take action once you leave this page.

Do you’ve any challenge(s) ranking on Google top 10 since the Hummingbird update? Are you having challenges with driving organic traffic?

Please share your thoughts below. I’ll try my best to address your questions. See you at the top!
