No business can survive unless it markets itself effectively.viral marketing

No matter how great your product, you can’t hope to succeed without promoting it.

Unless you reach out to your target audience, you cannot hope to generate substantial profits.

The success of your business depends upon the success of your marketing strategy. Every marketing activity must translate into sales otherwise it is a complete waste of resources.

The use of promotional products is of paramount importance for creating brand awareness and increasing sales volume.

Distributing promotional products helps increase the customer base and build long term relationships. Learn to do this effectively to earn the trust of your consumers.

See also: Using Promotional Products To Enhance Brand Recognition


1.   Avoid handing out throw-away promotional products

Many companies make the mistake of handing out junk in hope of promoting their brand. This
is a suicidal mistake. A promotional product is meant to reinforce your brand image by creating
top-of-the-mind awareness in your consumers about your brand.

You don’t want your product to land in the garbage can on the very next the day you hand it to the target audience. Remember, the promotional product is meant to serve as a reminder of your brand. Your consumer should feel delighted with your promotional product, not exasperated.


2.   Appropriateness: The Key Element of Promotional Products

Do you know who your target audience is? The answer is definitely yes. “Know your customer“
is the key for successful marketing. When handing out promotional products, you should put
appropriateness on top of the list.

This strategy creates a positive impact on your brand image.
Functional products such as stationary items, coffee sippers, mugs, and bags that your audience is
likely to use are great for creating brand recall.


3.  Your promotional product should be a reflection of your brand image

Is the product you handing out for promotion in sync with your branding strategy? If not, it’s likely
to damage your image than improve it. Avoid handing out cheap products as it can be detrimental
to your marketing campaign.

Eco-friendly products are also a great way to reach out to your target audience as they enhance your image as a socially responsible company. Some common examples are reusable shopping bags, totes, fabric bags, USB drives etc. Hold a brainstorming session to come up with creative ideas.


4.  Delight your consumer

Delighting your consumer is the ultimate objective of every marketer. If your promotional product
aids in increasing the level of your consumer’s happiness, then your target is achieved. Every brand
needs a great product to ride on. A promotional product helps accelerate the speed of your success.


5.  Brand your promotional product

Last but not the least; don’t forget to brand your promotional product. Add your company’s name,
logo, and/or slogan to your promotional product to increase your brand’s visibility. The whole point
of handing out promotional products is to increase brand awareness. If this target is not achieved,
your campaign is bound to fail.


About the Author: Tim Brown is a brand promotion specialist, who has helped small businesses with
promotional activities over the last 5 years. Tim focuses mainly on promotional clothing and personalised promotional merchandise.
