Submit Guest Post

Submit Guest Post

So you want to engage my readers and drive traffic to your blog? Guest posting is the right way to go.

Benefits of Guest Posting Here

  1. You get fresh targeted traffic
  2. You get backlink from a page rank 2 Dofollow Blog
  3. You expose your writing skill to my responsive readers
  4. I get to share your guest post on social sites and with my huge readership base.
  5. You build your brand
  6. You get an anchor link within the content
  7. Raise your pagerank fast.
  8. And much more…

Submission Guidelines

1) Articles must be original. I will use various online tools to make sure this content has not been posted anywhere else (this includes your site).

2) The article you submit must be your own work. In other words it must not be copyrighted content.

3) I reserve the right to edit the content (misspellings, grammar, formatting etc.) as needed. You will be notified of any significant changes before publication.

4) Articles should be related to one of the following topics: traffic generation, website creation, blogging, Internet marketing, web design, SEO, social networking, promotion or affiliate marketing.

IMPORTANT: Please do not submit generic articles on theory. These are articles that speak very generally about traffic, promotion and making money and provide no proof or unique advice on the subject.

Please do not submit generic articles on traffic or making money that can be found on numerous blogs across the Web. Originality is very important!

  1. Article must be between 450 and 1000 words.
  2. Please no CSS code. The only HTML tags you should use are the paragraph, hyperlink, italics, bold and the H2 tag for sub titles.
  3. Please include a four sentence or less signature/bio statement. This will appear below your article when published.
  4. If you submit images, please include the complete URL/path to the image and no image should be larger than 450 pixels wide.

If you have questions or need clarification about the kinds of articles I’m looking for, please feel free to contact me.

You can send right away by mikechimikolo [a] gmail [dot]com

You can write about content marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, brand marketing, digital publishing. If you discover a helpful product on Amazon especially the Kindle HD Fire, you’re also free to write about it. You can review the Paperwhite Version so that my readers can easily have access to it.

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How To Make Money From Home Selling Your Skills…

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How to Comment On A Corporate Blog…

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Copywriting Secrets For Massive Traffic…

Using Social Media To Generate Traffic Creatively…

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7 Smart Ways To Drive Traffic To A New Blog …

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