Do you know how to optimize a web page? Let’s get started with “Outstanding SEO.”outstanding seo

Off course, majority of people thought they know what SEO is all about. If you truly understand what you’re doing, then why aren’t you getting the organic web traffic you wanted?

I want to show you the best ways to get a website up on major search engines. You don’t have to assume you’re on the right track. Success is the true test of applied knowledge.

Everything you read here will be outstanding, nothing heavenly but if you implement the tips as shown, dominating Google is a sure thing.

You’ve three things to do right about now.

Read. Meditate. Implement.

What Does “Outstanding” Mean?

In the context of what we are discussing (SEO), outstanding means “high quality or clearly superior to others in the same age group.” We’re aiming for excellent top 10 ranking on popular search engines. This kind of ranking does not diminish over time. Once you’re there, it’s like your web page is gummed forever. Outstanding in the content you put out so that search engine spiders can ‘fall in love’ with your pages and visit often.

To become outstanding, one must consider recent developments around the web and use it as an edge to trounce the competition. A web page that’s been on Google homepage for a long time has a strong foundation – it’s not necessarily the number of backlinks it has (vital though), but the basic on-page bridging is the major factor.

Outstanding SEO Starts With Keyword Research

The most valuable asset in search engine optimization is keyword. By becoming a master at keyword research, you’ve won half of the search battle before you begin. The rest of the equation lies in quality content that is keyword-rich.

If you research keywords with the intent of ranking on Google top 10, you’ll miss out on the real essence of marketing.

Keyword is like that man by the door who gives direction to guests as they come into the Restaurant. The clearer your description of a place is, the easier your guest can locate it. If you confuse them, they’re likely to visit another house.

It’s the same thing with search engine optimization. A lot of people actually are confusing spiders with the key terms they use. Don’t research keywords because you want to rank highly on Google, use that keyword to give direction and no matter where you’re ranked today, you could come up easily by further strengthening your links.

Write Outstanding Headline/Title

We defined “outstanding” as high quality, or clearly superior to others in the same group. Before you can write headline that pique others to click, you need to study your competitors’. Quickly use your primary keyword and do a search on Google. Your strongest competing web pages would appear on the homepage. If you’ve enough time, visit these sites and see if you can pinpoint a loophole.

Our aim of doing this is to find an “edge” over our competitors.

When a web page is ranking better than yours, it means the owner is doing something which you’re not doing. This would include the number of external links, the quality of those links and most importantly, the thought process that went through writing those headlines.

Your headline should be able to speak a language in your reader’s mind. If it doesn’t, they would rather click on your competitors’. Shorter headline that’s keyword-rich tends to perform better. There should be no “fluff” in your headline, only the core words and phrases.

Don’t forget to write passively, adding persuasive verb. Ex. Catch, smart, accelerate, powerful, fast, romance, outstanding, strike, dominate, excellent etc.

Craft Outstanding Content the Right Way

A lot of people don’t know how to write outstanding content. If you’re a blogger, a freelance writer or copywriter, you need to start implementing the “power of peace” in your piece. We’ve been admonished to write valuable content, quality content or informative content – to me, it’s no longer news. In fact, I’m getting bored of this marketing clichés and hope we find a word to replace “quality content.”

Bring it home, your content should “calm” its reader down. If someone was desperate, despondent, quirky or unsettled, as they read your content, there should be hope. A new dawn of Joy and fulfillment should resonate in their mind. Nothing beats a “solution-based” content.

As you optimize your web pages for search engines, bear in mind that someone, somewhere is having problems in their business. Something is really not working fine, even if the surface appears exquisite.

When you write, FORGET every thought of making money and CONCENTRATE on helping someone receive SOLUTION to her needs. You don’t have to solve all the problems in your niche, but solve “at least” one.

Outstanding On-Page SEO

In directing search engine spider on what your content is all about via keywords, 75% of on-page SEO is achieved. On-page optimization usually happens within your pages. It begins with your Meta Tags (keywords, description, Title) and goes right into the content itself.

However, an outstanding in-house optimization doesn’t regard search engines. It focuses on the end user (you and I). The needs of your market and what they’re desperately seeking for should guide your every step as you optimize within your pages. Don’t squeeze in keywords just because it’s a ‘law.’

It’s never a law anywhere and if there is any such law, you should change it and channel your energy in excellent service instead of dining with the status quo.

In your Meta Title, add a strong benefit; solution-driven and be specific. If possible, make this your USP (unique selling proposition) so that customers, prospects and clients can trust your opinions. Use similar optimization strategy on your Meta Keyword and Description. Your site is never about you, but about someone, somewhere who needs your tip.

Bloggers, affiliate marketers, freelancers and internet entrepreneurs would continue to struggle to acquire backlinks. You know why? It’s because we’ve been brainwashed on the wrong stuffs.

The very week my blog went live, a blogger friend of mine advised me to start building backlinks from authority blogs? Good advice, Isn’t it? Wrong!

I spend 6 months building quality links, with the hope of ranking on Google’s homepage. Guess what, I failed woefully? The best link building strategy to make your web page outstanding and productive is what I call “link-parse” Don’t worry, you may not find that in the dictionary – This type of link is natural, gradual and most importantly, relevant to the topic you’re targeting.

Have you ever linked to a web page willingly, without resorting or consulting the blog owner? Definitely! Such links are the best Google is looking for. If I can link to your web page without your consent and this link appears on my article body, it’s a delicious meal for search spiders and very juicy.

But it doesn’t happen by accident, it takes a worthy content, filled with “proofs” and “peace” to the soul. So, stop looking for backlinks traditionally, FOCUS on helpful content (that’s the cliché) and the right people will link to you at will.

Outstanding SEO quote:

“the road to Google domination is very narrow, only outstanding writers (not optimizers) would work in it” – Michael Chibuzor

There you’ve it. Outstanding keyword research coupled with peaceful and soul-energizing content with an excellent link building system – the new definition of SEO. See you at the top!
