Looking for more web site traffic?
You’re not alone. Every internet marketer knows the importance of generating the right traffic to her website or blog. I know you would like to increase your website traffic even now and that is what is post is all about. Stick around and learn. The knowledge you would gain here isn’t going to be instant or overnight miracle but it will definitely increase your bottomline.
Start A Niche Blogging
I like to start off with this because it has really helped me attract quality traffic to all my websites. When I started out online, I never made any money because there was little or no traffic to my affiliate offers. I think all that has ended now because I focus my energy on niche blogging. Niche blogging deals with a tiny high-in-demand market that is easy to rank on Google. Do you know how competitive weight loss is?
But within that weight loss niche, you have fat loss, lose weight, burn fat etc. If you want to build a blog around weight loss niche, don’t go for the primary keyword, instead stay with the easier rocket like the burn fat related keywords. You’ll be able to rank higher on search engines and attract organic search traffic.
Build Backlinks From Page rank 7 and 8
Google especially rewards web pages by the number of external links they posses. If you desire huge traffic, the way to go about this is to build high authority links from PR 7 and 8 websites. Where can you get these sites? Simple – find any website that allows you to create a sub-domain using the primary keyword of your site. With this, you can streamline your linking effort and make the free site relevant in the eyes of Google.
Some of these sites are webs.com, yolasite.com, blogger.com, wordpress.com etc. these sites all have page rank 7, 8 or 9 and they are all free to sign up.
Start Guest Blogging For Others
To succeed with this web traffic generation strategy, you need to have a running blog or at least a charming landing page where you can send your readers to get more information. Guest blogging is very profitable and it can bring you huge targeted traffic within 12 hours.
Try and do a guest post for an established blog with thousands of readers who subscribed via RSS feed or Email. This way, whenever your post is published, they will get notified and this can bring you avalanche of free traffic. To find blogs to post to, use search engines and search like this: guest post + keyword niche. Replace keyword niche with your primary keyword and you will get a bunch of them.
Make sure you post relevant content so that they will accept your future posts. Don’t be in a rush, make it work this time – that’s all for today!