When you wake up every morning, what do you see?
You know there are people who make money writing web contents for clients, but you’re not. And all you ever wanted is a life of tranquility (peace), and the ability to afford the good things of life.
Freelance writing is profitable, well cherished and fun, but how do you start?
This post shows you how. Ride with me on this freelance writing journey. Will you?
Writing alone will not work
I want to stress the importance of growing in your mind. What you believe in life has a direct correlation with what you know.
If you think being a freelance writer is just to make quick bucks and explore the world, you’ve chosen a path of failure. You cannot succeed as a freelance writer by being ‘just’ a writer. It’s important that you add to your writing skills certain virtues like courtesy, customer service, salesmanship, eloquence and good command of English language.
In 2009, I became a professional writer and since then, I’ve discovered that writing is more than waking up and jamming the keyboard with my fingers. Writing will reveal the real you, and position you for successful exploration in this virtual world.
Now, here are six essential steps to ensure you don’t see failure.
Know the simple formula
The simple formula to make money writing for clients is simple: focus + client’s goal = long-term success. Do you see yourself in the formula? I doubt!
This shows that you’re not a part of the equation. What matters in this freelance writing industry is what you do with ‘client’s goals.’ Did you help them actualize their goals, or at least, draw closer to it? Before you begin writing, settle it in your heart that focus will get you long-term success. And this focus must on the clear goals a client has for him/herself.
Research every gig
Before you sit down to write on a particular gig, you should research thoroughly to know what’s happening around the web. Even when you’re an expert in the niche you’re writing on, taking few hours to research would reveal amazing ideas.
And because clients care about their business and how much money they realize by hiring you, going the extra mile to deliver quality is your #1 duty. Don’t joke with writing projects. If you have an idea on what to write, research first to substantiate and authenticate your idea. Most of the ideas we have as writers might not be ideal for the target audience.
Market yourself professionally
A lot of freelance writers do not promote themselves – the reason why they haven’t gotten any viable deal from serious entrepreneurs. If you want to make money online writing for clients, marketing mustn’t scare you. Aspiring writers abhor marketing, they hate selling themselves. But they have forgotten that selling is a part of everyday activity. Getting someone to walk you down the street is ‘selling.’
Why not channel that creative ability in you and earn a living from it. As you market yourself, stand up tall and do it professionally. Having an engaged blog makes you a professional – guest posting on A-list blogs also makes you a professional – think about it.
Produce more by outsourcing
Freelance writers should outsource!
Before you land your first writing project, I’m sure you’ve some tasks at hand. It could be your blog, an affiliate review site or a co-blogging platform. When you fully get into freelance writing and offers start rolling in, there would be less time to accomplish your writing goals.
When you outsource some of your project to capable hands, you get relieved and more focused to pursue freelance writing and succeed. A lot of freelance writers are not outsourcing and that’s one way to hinder you from making more money. I’ve started outsourcing, and the results are fabulous. I feel invigorated, alive from within and smart to handle any writing project. You should do the same!
Target business entrepreneurs
I wasted a lot of time working for $3 clients. I didn’t realize I was killing my writing career until I attended a freelance writing conference. My eye was then opened to the immense opportunities for writers out there. Since business thrives on “referrals,” when you finally complete a particular project and the client is satisfied at that particular rate of $3 – $20, he would refer his colleague, family and even wife.
It’ll be very difficult to increase your rate at this juncture. So, stop bidding and accepting peanuts for your creative efforts. Writing is a craft and if you’ve the skills to write for clients, target business entrepreneurs who value ‘quality’ and they will pay for your time, creativity and speed. $50 is not a bad start, and you can earn up to $250 depending on the niche, quality and length.
Develop a unique voice
Are you prepared for severe competition in this writing industry?
But you shouldn’t be afraid – a lot of people are actually getting into this business and some have left their 9 – 5 jobs and started bidding for projects and targeting the same clients you have in mind. Does it make you desperate and fearful?
Stop right there. The only thing that can set you apart and bring the big money into your pocket is a ‘unique voice.’ Truth is, every article topic has been written by experts in all fields. We’re all rewriting, but adding our own innovation (a voice).
If you do not have a unique voice, clients will not take you serious – you’re just like every School dropout who wants to make extra money to dazzle his friends who graduated from College.
A unique voice will enhance your writing, help you create a masterpiece which can captivate and lead to sales, lead generation and business exploits. Don’t be like anybody, be you – that’s the secret of successful freelance writing career.
Make Money Writing: Takeaway
Making money online is not an accident; it follows a well-orchestrated path which is without of guessing or luck. It’s a decision to consistently help clients become better, earn more money and build a strong system.
I’m giving you a wake-up call today – success is closer than you expected. Stay right there and explore your creative ability. See you at the top in your writing career!
Image Source: brooksdalecc.edu