Whatever you do online, you know that traffic is the key.

I mean the ultimate key that opens the door to income. If I were you, I would concentrate much of my energy, experience and college skills to getting traffic.

When it comes free, it’s the best thing that can happen to you. However, to increase your traffic, you need to think and act outside the box.

I personally believe in free traffic as the best way to grow your email list, RSS feed, gain fresh blog readers, and make sales. Contrary to what you already know, there is no magic or secret code to getting targeted traffic.

You just need to be at the right place at the right time.

Without any iota of doubt, I know you are skilled in your field. Don’t be deceived by those who call themselves experts and start incorporating mumbo-jumbo into the sales copy, just to make you whimp you hard earned $47 on worthless e-book.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t patronize them. But be careful because most of the stuffs in that report are free online.

I mean every word I’ve just shared – avoid the fluffs, go for the real juice of online marketing and don’t be distracted by the next infomercial.

You need to stay away from these 5 mistakes that hinder your traffic.

If you could stick with few of them, I can guarantee you massive targeted traffic, beyond your widest thoughts.

1. Neglecting On-page SEO

What’s up with on-page SEO?
Isn’t this the greatest obstacle to free organic traffic?

It’s so unfortunate that bloggers and web site owners have been spoon-fed with crappy reasons why backlinks is important. Off course, there is a place for backlinks, but until you build the foundation of your house, you don’t roof.

If the foundation is broken, there is nothing that can stand. It’s a waste of time and money trying to acquire thousands of backlinks. Stay on your blog and work on your Meta Tags (keywords, description).

If you neglect it, that’s the #2 reason why your traffic is little or none.

2. Un-targeted Niche Selection

If I ask you right now, what set of web users you are targeting, what would be your response? When you don’t have a clear vision of who your prospects are, you cannot attract them. There is no way you can attract someone you don’t know.

Even in Marriage issues, we’re advised to marry someone who has been a friend. This way, you don’t just regard them as sex-partner, but a companion.

And that’s what secures marriage knowing that both of you are going to stay for 30+. As it applies in marriage, so it applies to the web.

Don’t be like Yahoo and Amazon that sell everything.

These guys sure has the money for advertising and media publicity. Do you want to compete with them – you better rethink. Target a specific niche you can dominate in a little while, don’t be so widely spread and miss out on the circular traffic – select your niche properly.

3. Waiting For Traffic To Come

This mistake is phenomenal.

A lot of bloggers and site owners are praying for the right traffic to come one day. Please tell me, is there any date like “one day.” You don’t have to wait for traffic to come, step out of your comfort zone and approach helpful sites that would send you free targeted traffic.

That’s why search engine optimization is very important.

By positioning your website well, you will not only get free traffic, but your site would be regarded as authority and thus, increases your pagerank and overall search engine performance.

Don’t Wait for traffic, go and look for traffic and you would reap the rewards

4. I Hate Writing Articles

I don’t know what to call this mistake but you know what I mean. 75% of bloggers and internet marketers who fail, have one thing in common – they don’t like to write.

Do you realize that knowing how to write articles, could mark the turning around of your traffic? Content is still king and no one is going to de-throne her.

And there are several benefits of knowing how to write articles, aside the traffic you get, you can still earn money by writing for clients.

Since 2008 when I came online, and built my first affiliate review site, I earned $0.00. This continued until late 2009, when I made my first $56.09 from Clickbank.

But that’s not money. My problem is simple, I despise writing and would rather waste time on forums.

But all that have changed now, today, I’ve 5 clients that I write for.

My monthly income have increased from $100 to $2,500 within 1 year. That’s the power of writing articles. And it’s exceptionally easy to begin. But you’ve to be inclined to write before you can humble yourself and overcome procrastination.

It’s a decision. If you can write articles, you will drive free traffic and make extra money.

5. You Don’t Share Your Knowledge

I see a lot of internet marketers who hoard/hide their knowledge about a subject.

Maybe you know how to attract JV partners, and you decide to hide it from beginners and fellow marketers, that’s a BIG MISTAKE that keeps you from moving forward.

There are natural laws in life that would work for or against you. One of such laws is giving and receiving. If you don’t share what mother nature has deposited inside of you, automatically, you won’t have headway.

Consider several marketers who are successful today, they have one thing in common. They share their knowledge with readers and friends.

Get rid of every scarcity mentality, take the bull by the horn and don’t hide anything about your success from all.

If need be, share your knowledge in free reports, distribute across file sharing sites and let others  download and share it virally. Don’t forget to share your website or blog link within the report.

This form of traffic is second to none. It’s consistent, passive and targeted.

I know you’ve enjoyed this post, please share your own experience and how you drive most of your free traffic. Remember, don’t hoard your secrets.
