When looking for the best email filtering service for your business, there are a few different factors to consider.
You will want to choose a service that can filter spam in many different ways, allows you to control which emails are allowed through, and offers outbound mail filtering.
A service should also have a top-rated antivirus protection and mail continuity service.
A mail continuity service is essential, as you never know when your system will be compromised or hacked.
Spam is a growing problem on the internet, and some of the most popular free email services are unable to keep up.
Google’s 18-year-old Gmail, for instance, has been plagued by spam messages that get past automatic filtering systems.
According to cybersecurity firm Proofpoint, the volume of spam messages increased by 30 percent in the past year.
In December alone, it detected 10 billion more messages. To combat this problem, you should consider implementing an email filtering service.
Spam filters are based on artificial intelligence, which allows systems to learn from experience. Gmail’s spam filter uses machine learning to detect and block 99.9% of unwanted emails.
The filters learn to recognize certain characteristics in messages, and they constantly improve their algorithms as new spam emerges. However, you don’t have to install a filtering software to use the feature. The service’s default settings are enough to block 99.9 percent of spam, so it’s still a good idea to check the settings before enabling it.
You can also use Gmail’s built-in spam filter to manage the emails that come through. To do so, click the gear icon and navigate to Advanced Settings. Under the Spam tab, click “Add Another” to add a list of approved senders.
Click “Bypass spam filters for” any email addresses you want to keep. By doing so, you’ll eliminate the vast majority of spam emails that land in your inbox.
Best Email Filtering Service: SpamTitan
The SpamTitan email filtering service is easy to install, configure, and use. Avosec provides excellent support for resellers and businesses alike.
ATP Defence
This spam protection technology uses Bayesian auto learning and heuristics to identify and block malicious email.
This filtering service also protects your system against advanced threats, malware, ransomware, and malicious links.
Moreover, SpamTitan’s award-winning filtering service is affordable and includes six specialist Real Time Blacklists. We have tested several email filters before choosing SpamTitan, and it is the best.
Anti-spam rules: SpamTitan’s solutions use sophisticated anti-spam rules to prevent spam from getting past our filters.
They are updated hourly to take into account current spam trends, and over time they learn how to classify spam better. Emails are virus-scanned: SpamTitan’s email filter has been tested and proven to prevent spam from infecting your system.
Message history: By default, SpamTitan opens a quarantine tab for messages. Then, you can view all messages sent to you over the last 30 days and mark spam as spam. If you receive spam messages, you can also release the message or whitelist it.
Messages sent by certain addresses are also logged and sorted according to their origin and reason.
The service also features a report function where you can access the email filter history of the last seven days and today’s message.
As a cloud and on-premise solution, SpamTitan is easy to install and use. With its sophisticated spam filtering rules, SpamTitan ensures your emails stay secure while removing the complexity and costs of spam filters.
The best part about SpamTitan is that it is easy to setup and configure, and once deployed, you are hands-off. Users also praise the intuitive UI and ease of use.
Comodo Dome Antispam
If you’re looking for an email filtering service that will protect your business from spam, consider Comodo Dome Antispam.
This email filtering service utilizes anti-virus scanners, spam filters, and content analysis measures to protect your business. Its patented containment technology, for instance, isolates malicious files and prevents them from spreading on your computer.
Users can create custom filters for specific email senders, and can also quarantine emails that look suspicious. Users can also whitelist email senders and view quarantine logs.
This email filtering service will route emails sent to your domain to Office 365. It gets the necessary routes automatically in the background of your system.
In the FROM part, select the partner organization. In the TO part, enter a descriptive name for the inbound connector.
Then, you can enter the IP address of the sender. If you want to block a specific sender, the Comodo Dome Antispam email filtering service will use this information to block the message.
When you set up Comodo Dome Antispam email, you’ll notice that the service separates spam messages from important ones. In addition, it helps companies save time by separating important messages from the unwanted ones.
Furthermore, the filtering system in outgoing messages has a filtering system that allows users to create quarantine folders and delete the unwanted emails.
If you’re concerned about spam, you’ll be happy to know that you can keep your business running smoothly.
Securence is an email filtering service that focuses on spam. The company’s machine learning algorithms analyze the content of spam messages and release or block them.
Messages that are released or blocked will be logged for 120 days. Users can configure their Securence account to receive up to 24 digests each day or a full day’s worth. Securence also provides users with the ability to configure dynamic spam digests.
Additionally, users can configure the service to send message trace logs to aid in troubleshooting. Message traces will show users exactly how their emails are delivered.
Securence’s email security features are incredibly useful to businesses. It enables administrators to control and monitor inbound email, which keeps your email in a pristine state.
Users can also choose to have emails redeliver to another address. The program also supports email archiving.
By using Securence, businesses can stay in compliance with federal regulations while meeting client security expectations. These are just some of the many features that Securence provides.
With an average of one billion messages processed each day, Securence has the technology and experience necessary to protect companies and their employees from spam and other threats.
Its cutting-edge filtering technology and message analysis provide 99% accuracy, ensuring that important communications are not lost or delayed. The company also offers 24/7 customer support and 24/7 technical support.
Customers can also customize their e-mail headers, which makes Securence an even more powerful option for businesses.
Another great feature of Securence is its ability to sign email. Without this, email servers are more vulnerable to spam and other threats.
Securence’s Office 365 Security Suite delivers this much-needed security.
Not only does it protect the business from phishing and other threats, it also keeps the entire enterprise connected to the digital world.
For this reason, many companies rely on the security features offered by Securence to ensure their employees and clients have the maximum protection against email scams.