Do you attract repeat readers?   attract repeat readers

Blogging has become a nightmare for some people.

Everyone is starting a blog, because they thought it’s the easy way to reach a new audience and maybe, make some money.

Sure, the joy is there, but it seems your readers just appear and run away like a scared Penguin.

You struggled so hard to get people talking, but what did you get? Nothing…!

I’ve been able to study my audience. This post is going to clear the stumps off your way.

Pause whatever you’re doing right now and read this.

You want your readers to visit your blog often?

You want them to comment? You want them to share and link to your epic shit?

Here are 10 reasons why your content don’t attract repeat readers, and how to fix it:

1.      Who is the problem?

Why is your blog not growing?

Who do people ignore your quality posts and articles? What is wrong with you?

Do you’ve anyone on your wicked-list who might be responsible for your content not reaching its full potentials?

The last time I sent a poll to my subscribers, I discovered that 56% response was focused on pointing accusing fingers. Bloggers in particular are scared of competition.

“Competition is good.”

You just need to align your content and target a group of people. Too often, bloggers and writers blame Google for updating their algorithm. But what difference does it make?

You can’t change what’s happened – but you can make good use of it. It’s about your vision. So, the reason why your content don’t attract repeat readers isn’t your competition, nor changes in SEO and Social media Words.

The problem is “YOU!”

Quick fix: Change the way you market your content. As the CEO of your blog, you’ve the sole responsibility to make it work, but you must decide today.

Nothing can successfully stand between you and success. You’re the most powerful force on earth. Don’t forget it!

2.      Your content isn’t clear

When a potential reader visits your blog for the first time, what impression do you create? Do you make it clear for people to know what you’re up to?

Content marketing is all about identifying a select group of people, and their needs. Their needs would help you create the right article, blog post or video for them.

If a 2-year old boy visits your blog today, are you sure he’ll know your topic, the focus and the exact problem you’ve answers to.

Quick fix: before writing your blog posts or whatever article, be clear on the information you want to pass across. Don’t just write to meet up with your schedule. Write content that give meaning to your reader.

You’d find your readers coming back for more.

3.      No community/Platform

I respect Jeff Goins so much. He’s built a community of raving fans. But we’d call this a “platform.”

Some other bloggers call it a “tribe.” It’s the most difficult aspect of blogging. Quality content alone can’t make you successful. Effective marketing is fuel that powers your quality content.

The key is to recognize your voice and stick to it. I’ve been blogging for a while now, and only recently did I discover my voice. It’s changed the way I write blog posts, knowing that my readers are waiting to read & take action.

Quick fix: You can always monetize your blog – but building a community takes time.

Focus on the long term goal and serve your target audience first. Afterward, monetize. What makes you to stand out is your brand, but a community fuels it. {Tweet this}

4.      You’re sowing the wrong seed

blogging seeds

Photo Credit:

In a sense, bloggers are like gardeners. Whatever you plant in your garden is what you’ll reap at the harvest season.

A lot of bloggers are chasing after fad; the latest jingles and all the news out there.

No, I’m not asking you to ignore latest trends and news flying around. But your content must be able to bear fruit now and well into the future.

Evergreen content will grow your blog at WAP speed. The results may not appear instantly, but if you continue to publish valuable articles, it’ll germinate and bear juicy fruits.

The first rule of blogging is to choose a rabid niche. The niche must be desperate for your valuable content.

Quick fix: The web is dynamic (ever changing). Balance your content so that you’re not entirely focused on latest trends.

If all you do is to write about the latest SEO news, your blog will soon wear out. Reader will take the fastest moving train, never to be seen again.

Write evergreen, valuable to practical content with a clear vision. That’s my advice to you.

5.      Fear has taken over you




Photo Credit: Mickou

Writers are known for their confidence. Unfortunately, some bloggers are scared. They don’t want to speak their mind. They want to be at the safe side, living with myths. The fear of writing has caused some bloggers their success.

The so-called blogging experts may try to win over your readers. They use big terms and jargons to confuse them. What you must do is to speak your mind.

Research your topic in and out until you know the pros and cons. Write with confidence – that’s why you’re a writer/blogger.

 Check this out: 10 Ways Confidence Makes You A Better Writer

Blog readers don’t want to hang out with a timid fellow. Sure, you might not always be right, but you’re a gardener (remember). You can plant whatever seed you want. Provided it’d help your readers.

Trying to please everyone with your content will make you biased. You’ll lose your vigor and passion.

Speak your mind. If every blogger is damning Google for releasing Panda & Penguin, approach the topic from a unique angle – don’t just look at the ugly side. Be honest.

Your readers will flock around your blog every single day, because, you’re a true leader.

6.      No brevity

You don’t need to write a 2000 words article to be smart. In fact, less is better! What people are looking for is a solution that works. It doesn’t matter if the blog post is 200 words or less.

People make a mistake in thinking that long-curled sentences would get them raving fans.

Sadly, it’s the easiest way to lose your readers. I personally write long articles. Most of them are 1000 plus. But I try to solve a specific problem. I entertain a lot and my voice doesn’t crack. Lol!

I meet my reader’s need without sounding like a jerk. If you must say it in 100 words, don’t waste time stuffing keywords just to make it 400 words.

Quick fix: If your content is truly helpful, readers wouldn’t mind reading it through, no matter the length.

But respect your readers. They’ve got some work to do. If they spend 30 minutes reading your post, do you think it makes you smart? Respect yourself.

Respect your readers by going straight to the point. That’s how to attract repeat readers.

7.      Stop using BIG words

Using big words makes you look like a Poor Professor. Blogging is not academic writing. No one is giving you a pass mark for inventing BIG words.

Your goal is to help readers with your content. If your reader needs a Dictionary to know the meaning of a word on your content, you’re not a good communicator. Take it or leave it!

Rather than say, I’m famish, say “I’m hungry!”

Same thing goes for titles we hold as bloggers. It’s vague to introduce yourself to someone as a “content marketing consultant.” I wonder what you’re consulting. Just say, “I’m a content marketer!” Or, a writer!

Quick fix: Big words would piss off your readers. I like to read, because they use slightly easy words.

Even a toddler can understand their content idea. Big words can discourage your readers who are not well that intelligent.

This is why Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers and especially Professors are not reaching their target audience. If you know a Doctor who is making six figures blogging, share the link with me below – I’m waiting.

They’re known for their BIG words. But who cares if you attended Harvard University. What the target audience want is result. Do you’ve it?

8.      Passive voice distort reading

When you write blog posts and articles, use active voice to convey your message. Passive voice is always focusing on the action (verb), before the doer (noun).

You know the way people read articles online. They start from the left side, and read through to the right side. Help readers identify the subject quickly. That’s all they care about.

Example: my phone is stolen.

You’ll observe that in this example, the action is visible (stolen). But we don’t know who stole the phone, or how it was stolen. What about active statements?

Example: the bandit stole my phone

Now we know who stole the phone (bandit). “A bandit is an armed robber who steals from travelers, and other people, usually at gunpoint” – Encarta Dictionaries

Writing in active voice would help you connect with your readers. You might not realize the effect, but it’s powerful!

Quick fix: The major reason why readers would skim through is because; passive voice tends to distort the flow. Rather than write in passive, use active instead.

Focus on who, what, where and why an event happened. The action would fall into place seamlessly.

9.      You’re too serious


serious man

Photo Credit: Ultracuerpo

Yes, we know that blogging is a serious business. But that doesn’t mean you should be serious yourself. You’ve to be smart when you write your content.

You may try to write the best blog post that can be shared by hundreds of people. Kudos! It’s a good experience, right?

But if sharing is all you ever wanted, I think you’re making a BIG mistake. The fact that people shared your latest content doesn’t mean you’ve done the right thing. For you to achieve tremendous success as a content writer, make writing fun.

Be happy about helping others. Some people are not successful at writing today, because they see it as a real work. Sure, it takes hard work to write well, but it’s a lifestyle. Writing has a life of its own. {Tweet this}

If you’re not happy about writing, don’t even start. You’ll experience writers block continually.

Quick fix: Writing is supposed to be fun and blissful. If you’re having a difficult moment writing for your blog and clients, maybe you’ve digressed from your passion.

Write what you know. Build a blog that you’d stick with for a long time, until you stop breathing.

It’s time to go niche – don’t be too serious or your readers would start to ask questions. Have fun. Use humor to encourage readers. I’ve written over 600 blog posts since 2011 and I don’t regret it. I’m having fun with it.

10.  feminine touch is absent


feminine touch

Photo Credit: Mikebaird


Yes, regardless of your sex, we all have the feminine touch. I’m talking about that feeling that connects you with another person. You just can’t describe it.

Most times, you wake up by 12.00midnight just to read a blog post somewhere. You love reading their posts!

Guess what? Such blogs and content have emotional triggers. Each time you’re struggling to communicate and engage your readers, try using some of these emotional gems.

The truth of the matter is that people respond, buy and take action based on emotions. Then, they can justify this with logic (A brief of selling psychology).

Asking emotional questions is one powerful way to enhance your content. Readers want to identify with success. Get them talking to you. Silence is a secret worm!

Quick fix: Ask subscribers to reply to your emails and share their problems with you. Add the feminine touch to your content and your blog will become the ultimate information-resource that has ever been. Hmm, isn’t it wonderful?

What do you say?

I’ve just shared one of my ultimate content marketing ideas with you. If you’ve enjoyed reading this, all I ask is that you share it with your fans.

Please click the share buttons by the left side and get it rocking. Leave a comment below. See you next week!
