How best do you invest your time on the internet?
If you ask me, the best profitable venture to invest your precious time in, is in building your email list of targeted prospects.
Once you capture their email addresses, the next step is to build a solid relationship with them.
But how do you build a list in the first place? Take it from me, conventional list building can be very slow.
You need to start focusing on the most important list building systems that experts use.
Here’s a side note though: You don’t need a huge list of subscribers, what you need fervently is a RESPONSIVE list that buys your products and affiliate recommendations.
According to Ewen Chia, he said that your internet business success is DIRECTLY proportional to the number of customers you’re able to read with the click of a button – in this case, an auto responder email blast.
Now that you’ve gotten this straight out, here are my 10 step list building strategies. No matter where you are in internet marketing, you would find this resource helpful, and ultimately add some decent numbers to your email list.
(1). High Leverage Article Marketing
Wait, I’m not talking about the usual writing and submitting of articles to article directories. Well, that still works but there is a better way to do it. The right leverage for any piece of content is to submit them to popular site with deep pagerank and that is friendly with Google. I mean, they have built trust and readership over the years.
The competition you get here is less than those from an article directory. Your article once published will continue to get featured for months to come. And if you researched your keywords properly, you’ll still drive traffic to your site consistently. So, leverage on these top sites like and build your list faster. Some great sites include Entrepreneur, About, Associate programs and some popular blogs like problogger.
Get ready for influx of web traffic to your squeeze page. It’s left for you to make your landing page charming and full of benefits.
(2). Forum Marketing
I know some intelligent marketers who add 1000s of subscribers to their mailing list every week, just from forums. But you need to focus on popular niche forums that receive thousands of page views and thread posting monthly. This way, your posts get read by several people who are inclined to learn more from you.
You need to create a list of top 5 blogs on your niche, and then post to them everyday. You don’t have to waste all those replying, just few hours a day is enough to build your trust and attract subscribers. One thing you have to know is that, forum members are hot cake. They convert into buyers faster than any other form of subscribers.
(3). Launched Giveaways
Adding 100s of subscribers on a daily basis is quite possible, with the power of giveaways. Every list builder gets to promote the same giveaway event so that everyone grows the lists. The only obstacle to this is that you may be silently giving away your best customers to another marketer. But in all, it works well. You don’t have to be an island to succeed online – especially in building a list. You need other marketers to speed up the process.
Fortunately, you don’t even have to promote the giveaways these days. All you have to do is to upgrade as a higher member and receive additional points. This ultimately boosts your position and gets you subscribers on steroids.
(4). Ad Swaps Method
I have been using this list building strategy to add HUGE paying subscribers to my email list. It works so well. Just contact a marketer with a decent list, from 100 subscribers and above and propose a list ad swap. You both accept to blast email to your subscribers – if your list is smaller, you can reward your opponent with a double blasts and vice versa.
It works so much. Also, when sending out blasts using ad swap method, the right time I have discovered that improves open-rate is 12.00 am midnight. By this time, everyone of your subscribers have already fallen asleep. As soon as they wake up, your email would stare at them. Just try it and see!
(5). Blog Marketing
I love blogging but it can be burdensome. I know what I’m saying and that is why 78% of those who started blogging the same day, had to quit to search for another 9 – 5 job. Blogging is one of the profitable and steady income generating models online, but it does not happen overnight.
Ask some of the top bloggers and they would let you in on the countless sleepless nights they had. I’m not saying this to scare you out of blogging, but like I always do – I prefer telling you the truth.
Now see, once your blog has gained readership, trust and become popular, you will definitely start getting subscribers. But much more than that, a responsive FAN-BASE that buy your products like crazy. I know how this works because I have tried it recently on this blog you’re reading.
Trust is the only remedy to making money from blogs, if you miss it, you’ll have a long road to travel. If you can build that trust, getting 100s targeted subscribers on a daily basis is as simple as A, B and C (Lol… that’s my opinion though).
(6). Video Marketing
Creating videos was so difficult some years ago. I actually neglected it because, I was broke and couldn’t afford some of the expensive video software. But today, even without a software tool, you can create an interesting video about your product with powerpoint presentation.
More still, you can use a free site like Animoto to create slides from your product images and upload directly to youtube and the rest. Here is the secret: Video clips attract more views than articles, maybe those so called experts have refused to let you in on this.
Now do me a favor, visit youtube and look at the views for a video clip that was uploaded today. What did you see? I bet over 600 views already and this is going to continue for as long as the owner is wise. Channel these eager video viewers to your squeeze page and convert them. I’m sure you know how to do that?
(7). Ad Brite Banners
Have you thought about using banners to build your list?
I bet you have not! But it does work. Ad brite is a banner ad exchange website that connects publishers and advertisers. You need to work out ad deals and once that is done, you’re on your way to building a massive email list.
A friend of mine by name Fabian Tan thought revealed how fantastic this list building system has helped him build a successful internet business. The competition is less than that of AdWords and other popular pay per click advertising networks. But there is something I want to let you in…
Hot Tip: Direct response, all text banner ads seem to get the highest click-through rates. So, try with all text first before heading over to banners
(8). Get Response Power Leads
Look no further when searching for targeted leads online. Get Response, a formidable email marketing company has the right answer for your business, no matter what niche you’re in. Your list would grow by the dozen once you give this a shot.
It works so well because the company in question is already an authority when it comes to email marketing and relationship building. List building strategies demands a better platform to flourish and that is what Get Response Power leads delivers, almost at a zero cost. You can check them out if you desire and you won’t regret it.
(9). Craiglist Strategy
In the past years, the popularity of this classified ads sites is so significant. Actually, in 2008, the popularity of was at 87%. The reason is not far fetched. People who visit this site are desperate for cheap bargains, or to look for job and business opportunities.
This is the right time to start placing your classified ads on craiglist, it’s more fertile now than ever. You can add 100s of subscribers to your list if you write your ads well. That brings me a very powerful system that works miraculously with craiglist.
You need to master ad copy writing to succeed. This is because, internet users are vulnerable and they are looking for quick answers to their problems. You need to capture their attention and then direct them over to your squeeze page. Is this difficult?
(10). Guest Posting Like You Mean It
Oh, someone just reminded me of this powerful list building system. Thanks to my editor who pinpoints errors, grammatical disease. I’m a BIG fan of guest posting and it has added some cute subscribers to my email list. Interestingly, about 10 of my responsive subscribers have indicated their interest on guest posting right on my blog.
Guess what? I accepted and send a thank you email. What other way can I build that kind of relationship that pays my bill.
If you are still pondering over this list building system, here is how to make it work like you mean it. When you submit a guest post to any niche blog, on your author’s bio, include your landing page. I’m sure you have this on your blog as a separate page – that is the best call to action resource that matters. There is nothing so important with your blog’s homepage. The best place to redirect your guest post readers and commenter is to your opt-in page. Yes, it’s a mandate!
Now, I’m glad you have something unique to say. Use your voice and speak your mind. Give your frank comment no matter how odd it seems!